
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Jackson’s censored Reel
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
As requested, here's an attempt at a flute version of a steadfastly fiddle tune.
X: 1
T:Jackson's Reel (sort of flute-friendly'ish)
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|:g|fd d2 ~d3f| edef edcB|A2cA BAcB| ABcA Bcde|
fd d2 ~d3f| edef edcB|ABde faea|1fd d2 ~d3:|2fddc d/2d/2c dB||
A3A B2AG| FAAF G/2F/2E F/2E/2D| ~E3F GFEG| Agec dBAF|
Here's the uncut version: https://thesession.org/tunes/1665

Friday May 10, 2019
Peg McGrath’s reel
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Here's a tune written by Josie McDermott in honour of Peg McGrath who made one of the nicest flute noises I've ever heard.

Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Carolan’s Concerto
Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Here's a different sort of tune by way of a change. I've just played each part singly the first time round. If I appear to be rushing a bit during the quicker version that's probably because I was being distracted by the smell of the 'Young's Chip Shop Fish Fillet in Crisp Bubbly Batter' which is in the process of being turned into my dinner in my oven. I bet Carolan never had that problem. If he did occasionally salivate over the notion of some 17th / 18th century convenience food it was probably not too much of an encumbrance on his harp playing anyway.

Saturday Jan 31, 2009
Cois Abhann na Séad (slow air)
Saturday Jan 31, 2009
Saturday Jan 31, 2009
I can't think of any quick tunes at the moment so here's a slow one. I want to spell this "Cois Abhainn na Seod" but forces I don't understand take me to the spelling I used instead. This is a song air which comes from Cúil Aodha in Co. Cork. I probably have it all wrong but I never go to Cork so I should be safe from close quarter retribution at least. (The title in English is "Beside the River of Gems / Jewels - I know how to spell that anywaieieieiy).

Saturday Jul 12, 2008
The Glen Road To Carrick (reel)
Saturday Jul 12, 2008
Saturday Jul 12, 2008
Here's a version of a popular reel from South West Donegal. There's at least one other version of this tune and once I've got over the trauma of trying to remember this one I'll try to remember it too. I've put 2 tunes on today as it being the twelfth of July, there are lots of other flute players and their friends clogging the streets of Belfast and causing businesses and places of entertainment to close. This gives me a lot of time to spend in the house this sunny Saturday.

Saturday Jul 12, 2008
The Morning Thrush (reel)
Saturday Jul 12, 2008
Saturday Jul 12, 2008
I was asked to play this reel and here's my attempt to oblige. Séamus Ennis's father wrote the tune and there's a great rendition of Séamus playing available on a CD. I think youtube even has a video of the same performance.
My attempt at picking through the tune is far from what the real thing is but at least it's in 'D'. (I had to find some good point to refer to).

Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
Brian O’Lynn (jig)
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
This is a fairly common tune. I'm sorry if it appears hurried in places but I was getting withering looks from a baby while I played it and that put me off a bit.

Sunday Jul 06, 2008
Tripping Up The Stairs (jig)
Sunday Jul 06, 2008
Sunday Jul 06, 2008
Here's a very popular jig which I was asked to play. It's especially popular among people who are learning to play the flute or the tin whistle. Stair carpets have a lesser regard for it.

Saturday Jul 05, 2008
Colonel Frazer’s Reel
Saturday Jul 05, 2008
Saturday Jul 05, 2008
I've been asked to play this one so here it is. There are lots of versions of it and I'm never sure which one is closest to a standard one. I'll not guarantee than this effort will make people any the wiser as to the answer to that question.

Wednesday Jun 25, 2008
The Beauty Spot (reel)
Wednesday Jun 25, 2008
Wednesday Jun 25, 2008
As with a lot of apparently simple tunes, there are lots of variations of this reel. This is in danger of not being any of them.

Monday Jun 23, 2008
The Stack of Barley (hornpipe)
Monday Jun 23, 2008
Monday Jun 23, 2008
Here's a very common hornpipe. I'm sorry about the sound. I listened back to it (I normally don't) and it sounds as if I recorded it in a particularly cavernous public lavatory. May it was the same one in which some 1970s record companies used to record their traditional music LPs.

Friday Jun 20, 2008
The Stage Hornpipe
Friday Jun 20, 2008
Friday Jun 20, 2008
I've been asked to try this one. Well, at least I tried. I sort of learned it once off a Michael Coleman record but I don't have that record any more so I'm relying on memory; never a wise move in my case.

Monday Jun 16, 2008
The Monaghan Jig
Monday Jun 16, 2008
Monday Jun 16, 2008
Maybe safer with the twig if time is an issue.

Saturday Jun 14, 2008
The Antrim Rose (reel)
Saturday Jun 14, 2008
Saturday Jun 14, 2008
Here's yet another reel. It differs from the others which I've posted in that it is called "The Antrim Rose" while they are not. I am currently sitting in said county with a thorny, fragrant flower of the genus rosa within 8 feet of me. I don't think that has anything to do with this choice of tune though. There are plenty of other things even closer to hand than roses but I'm not about to play "The Dirty Mug".

Sunday Jun 08, 2008
Colonel Rodney’s Reel
Sunday Jun 08, 2008
Sunday Jun 08, 2008
I'm sorry about the clicky G# key in this one. I think my fingers may need a drop oil too.

Sunday Jun 01, 2008
The Tempest (reel)
Sunday Jun 01, 2008
Sunday Jun 01, 2008
Here's a slightly dry-mouthed and dry-fluted go at "The Tempest". My mouth is now so dry after playing it that I can't even type any more nonsense about it.

Friday May 30, 2008
The Flowing Bowl (reel)
Friday May 30, 2008
Friday May 30, 2008
Here's one I was asked for. For some reason (maybe because I almost never go out playing) I haven't heard this tune for a while so this version mightn't be very up to date. It may have a chance of being recognised as at least a relative of the "Flowing Bowl" which does get played by people who do go out.

Thursday May 22, 2008
Hanley's Tweed (reel)
Thursday May 22, 2008
Thursday May 22, 2008
I've recently been reminded of this one. I never knew its name until about ten minutes ago. Maybe in another ten minutes' time I'll know the notes as well. I think Paddy O'Brien wrote it. It was probably a lovely tune when it left his fingers first ... like they say in Belfast about the Titanic - "it was all right when it left here".

Saturday May 17, 2008
The Sailor's Hornpipe
Saturday May 17, 2008
Saturday May 17, 2008
I don't know that I've ever played this tune before but I've been asked for it so here is an attempt. I'm more of a terra firma person myself but I hope this maritime melody has survived my mal de mer. I've put the apostrophe before the last "s" thinking that this tune was the property of a single salt.

Friday May 16, 2008
Ríl Gan Ainm
Friday May 16, 2008
Friday May 16, 2008
I know there is a name out there somewhere for this reel so I'll not write a whole pile on nonsense just now about the lack of one as I'll probably only have to change it soon anyway.

Friday May 09, 2008
The High Level Hornpipe
Friday May 09, 2008
Friday May 09, 2008
Here's a tune which I think is named after a bridge. Talking of bridges, I think I learned this on the fiddle in B flat. My fingers seem unwilling to coax this tune out of a 2 keyed flute in that key so here it is in C. I'm not sure whether C belongs to it but that's how it came out this time.

Sunday May 04, 2008
Molly on the Shore (reel)
Sunday May 04, 2008
Sunday May 04, 2008
Here's one I've been asked to record. I had to look it up and I'm a bit uncertain of ho it goes. This version is probably sufficiently washed-up to at least have some shore connections anyway.

Thursday May 01, 2008
Paddy Kelly’s Reel
Thursday May 01, 2008
Thursday May 01, 2008
Here's one for flutes with flats. It's a bit vague here as per usual but it's a nice wee tune.

Wednesday Apr 30, 2008
The Independent Hornpipe
Wednesday Apr 30, 2008
Wednesday Apr 30, 2008
This is one I was asked to play. I don't know whether the version of the first part that goes up to a high 'C' is the normal one or whether the more land-based one rules the waves or waves at those who rule the land. I think I heard this tune from a recording of Leo Rowsome who as Rí na bPíobairí ruled over something himself. If anyone listening is fussy about tune versions then this particular one will probably send them straight to www.vexed.com. Hopefully most other people will either like or ignore as they prefer.

Saturday Apr 26, 2008
Mullingar Lea
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
As usual the playing here is a bit vague. The tune just occurred to me so I thought I'd play it while the sausages were cooking. They're done now - probably about as half-baked as this recording.

Friday Apr 25, 2008
The Ivy Leaf (reel)
Friday Apr 25, 2008
Friday Apr 25, 2008
Here's a reel which I was asked to play. I'm not writing a disclaimer with the "Iwas asked to play" bit. It's just that I'm so glad to have been asked that I can't help but mention the asking in the posting.
I used to think this was a new fangled sort of a tune but the likes of Willie Clancy played it and Francis O'Neill has it in his collection from 1907 (I missed the centenary balloons anuraidh).
Here's my Friday evening go at it anyway. (The name makes me think of taking leaves intravenously. I've (y) more chance of taking leave of my ....).

Thursday Apr 24, 2008
Bunker Hill (reel)
Thursday Apr 24, 2008
Thursday Apr 24, 2008
I've been asked to play this. Having tried to play it I think I know why it I never did before now (I think it might be awkward on the flute). I couldn't even work out what the first note ought to be. I don't think I have enough of a bunker mentality. Anyway, here's a sort of run at it. I hope there are only 3 parts in the tune. That's certainly all there are here. Maybe this rendition will offend someone out there into learning the tune properly. I'm away out now to get wet and educated.

Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Langstrom's Pony
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Here's another tune I was asked to post. Posting ponies; is that like Pony Express are are they just post ponies?
Anyway, I'm never too sure of the first part but that wasn't the focus of the query to which I'm trying to respond here. I hope I haven't forgotten about any parts either. It's a good job that the latter bits (another equine apparatus related term) hadn't too many low notes as on finishing the tune I noticed that my foot joint (hoof?) had fallen off.
I hope that the tune is OK, though, and promise that no animals were hurt in the recording of it.

Sunday Apr 20, 2008
The Mooncoin
Sunday Apr 20, 2008
Sunday Apr 20, 2008
Here's a fiddle tune. The flute's only really a fiddle with more holes and fewer strings so it's probably acceptable to play fiddle tunes on it. It even starts with the same letter. I vaguely remember being in a group once, many years ago, and "Mooncoin" was the polite one of the two names it had. That's my only connection with Mooncoins.

Sunday Apr 13, 2008
The Eel in the Sink
Sunday Apr 13, 2008
Sunday Apr 13, 2008
I've just been asked to play this tune so here is an attempt at it. I'm about to go and do the washing up now and am feeling a bit uneasy about what may be lurking under last night's saucepans. A few wriggling elvers may actually be quite an effective dish dirt dislodger though.

Sunday Apr 06, 2008
The Merry Blacksmith
Sunday Apr 06, 2008
Sunday Apr 06, 2008
Here's a reel I was asked to play. My postings of late have been about as frequent as my blacksmith sightings, merry or otherwise, but being reminded of this tune at least stirred me into a brief flurry of activity. This particular tune is very suitable for the flute and provides ample opportunity for anvilesque hammering sounds on the D notes. On this occasion I seem to have let most of these opportunities slip by but at least it's nice to know that they will still be there the next time I try the tune.

Saturday Mar 22, 2008
Kiss me Kate (reel)
Saturday Mar 22, 2008
Saturday Mar 22, 2008
Here's a common reel. I thought I'd probably have played this one already but I didn't see it on the site. Maybe I called it by another name ("don't kiss me Kate" perhaps). I hope this version is OK. My recall facility for tunes has been a bit vague lately.

Friday Mar 14, 2008
Paddy Fahy’s Reel (1)
Friday Mar 14, 2008
Friday Mar 14, 2008
I'm not really the right person to be playing this great composer's tunes but as I'm the one who happens to be nearest this computer, I'll have to do. I've just called this No.1 to mark it out from any subsequent PF reels which I might play in future.

Saturday Mar 08, 2008
The Finnish Polka
Saturday Mar 08, 2008
Saturday Mar 08, 2008
This is yet another tardy response to a request to record a tune. I'm delighted to be asked to play specific tunes as it saves me having to think them up for myself. I had to look this one up on the internet as I didn't know it. I hope my dot to note transfer has allowed the tune to arrive without being too scathed. I think this tune is in B minor. My bad spelling allows me to think of digging in the ground for stripy, stingy things (stingy as in needle-arsed rather than tight arsed) but that's neither here nor there in the context of this tune. (Sorry for using the 'a' word).

Monday Mar 03, 2008
The Enchanted Lady (reel)
Monday Mar 03, 2008
Monday Mar 03, 2008
Here's a fairly popular one, as are many enchanted things and persons.

Saturday Mar 01, 2008
The Graf Spee (reel)
Saturday Mar 01, 2008
Saturday Mar 01, 2008
Here's another tune I was asked for. I've tried to oblige but I haven't quite got my sea legs. I might have been better scuttling this attempt.

Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
The Trip To Cullenstown (reel)
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
Here's another request. I'm afraid I didn't recognise the name of the tune so I looked it up in www land. It sort of sounds familiar; mouth organs spring to mind (if that's a thing they can do) and by the end of the tune I thought I maybe knew the start. The version is at the mercy of whoever put it on the internet and whether he or she has the use of a reliable set of ears.

Sunday Feb 24, 2008
The Rakes of Clonmel
Sunday Feb 24, 2008
Sunday Feb 24, 2008
Here's a tune I was asked to play. I'm sorry it took me so long getting round to it. There are a few other tune requests that I'm currently in the process of taking even longer over. I played a three part version at the end of this recording. I've heard three parts from a few people, one being Paddy Canny. My problem regerding part 3 may be that in fact Paddy can whereas I canny play it but I thought I'd try anyway.

Sunday Feb 17, 2008
The Chicago Reel
Sunday Feb 17, 2008
Sunday Feb 17, 2008
I was asked to post this tune and am grateful to have been asked. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it myself. The setting here may be a bit dodgy but that may help to take the bad look off some of the other tunes I have played recently. I have another reel which I've been asked to play but I think I'll need to excavate a particular tape recording before I can chance the second half of it. I'm off now to look for a shovel.

Saturday Feb 16, 2008
Martin Wynne's No.1 (reel)
Saturday Feb 16, 2008
Saturday Feb 16, 2008
Here's another Martin Wynne thing. I'm not sure where I learned it but it seems to have been hovering about in quite a few places. If I can think of MW3 I'll have a got at it too.

Sunday Feb 10, 2008
Martin Wynne's No.2 (reel)
Sunday Feb 10, 2008
Sunday Feb 10, 2008
I was asked ages ago to play this tune. I'm sorry it took so long but I always got distracted any time I set about playing it. I think this is the number two variety of Martin Wynne reel. I'll have to get round to recording at least one other so as to bring about a Wynne Wynne situation.

Monday Feb 04, 2008
The Merry Harriers (reel)
Monday Feb 04, 2008
Monday Feb 04, 2008
I can't think of anything to write about this reel so

Saturday Feb 02, 2008
Elizabeth Kelly's Delight (Jig)
Saturday Feb 02, 2008
Saturday Feb 02, 2008
I can't promise that this tune will provoke as enthusiastic a reaction in other people as it did in Bess. Maybe she didn't get out much. I think it's a decent tune all the same which maybe doesn't get out enough either.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
The Boys of Ballynahinch (reel)
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
I was asked to play a reel of this name. I know there are several boys, and more than one Ballynahinch for that matter, in this country so I hope I have correctly identified all parties involved. If I have got the wrong tune please let me know and I'll try to mend my ways.

Friday Jan 25, 2008
The Callan Lasses (Donnelly's) - Reel
Friday Jan 25, 2008
Friday Jan 25, 2008
I've finally got around to playing this one which I was asked to play ages ago. The second part has always been a bit of a mystery to me. I hope I haven't made it even more of one with this effort. I think some of the notes are right and the order in which they appear is mroe or lses KO. (This tune had a helium fit earlier. If it is still all Pinky and Perky tomorrow I'll record it again. In the meantime I'd recommend slowdown software). (26/01/2008 - I've rerecorded the tune now. The only problem may be that I've forgotten some of it in the meantime).

Sunday Jan 20, 2008
The Providence Reel
Sunday Jan 20, 2008
Sunday Jan 20, 2008
This is my recollection of a fairly common reel. I was asked to record this one and I has taken me that long to do so that I can't even remember when I was asked. Maybe I wasn't asked at all. I think I have at least one other reel I'm meant to be putting on as well. Once I improve the organisational state of my life even to the lower reaches of chaos I will do the other tune too.

Monday Jan 14, 2008
Paddy Ryan's Dream (2)
Monday Jan 14, 2008
Monday Jan 14, 2008
Here's another Paddy Ryan's Dream. Mr. Ryan must have been some sleeper. I think this one is close to the version that John Doherty used to call "Mooney's Reel".

Monday Jan 14, 2008
Paddy Ryan's Dream (reel)
Monday Jan 14, 2008
Monday Jan 14, 2008
Here's my attempt to play this tune as requested to do so. I'm not too familiar with playing it on a flute and I fear that my playing may be straying in the direction of being the sort of dream Paddy Ryan, or anyone else for that matter, may get after consuming too much cheese at bedtime. I know a different version of this tune which I'll maybe try once this one I've woken up from this one

Sunday Jan 13, 2008
The Green Fields of Rosbeigh (aka The Kerryman) - Reel
Sunday Jan 13, 2008
Sunday Jan 13, 2008
This is a very popular reel which I just remembered I hadn't played on this site yet. I'm running out of popular tunes to play by this stage so when I do recall one I get a temporary happiness boost which is most welcome, especially on a dark Sunday evening like this one. I try not to remember tunes on Friday afternoons as happiness boosts on those occasions would send me over. I'm not sure about the two names this reel gets called by. I suppose when someone wasn't able to remember one of them then the other sprang to their mind as an obvious alternative.

Friday Jan 11, 2008
Good Morning to Your Nightcap (reel)
Friday Jan 11, 2008
Friday Jan 11, 2008
I think that daycaps, mornigcaps and other headgear have left me vexed and clueless regarding the name of this reel. It was recorded by Michael Coleman around 80 years ago. I don't think he had a name for it. I'm not sure where this name came out of but it conjures up some interesting images though I can't quite tell what they are of.

Tuesday Jan 08, 2008
The Reel of Rio
Tuesday Jan 08, 2008
Tuesday Jan 08, 2008
I was asked to record this which is a good thing as otherwise my memory wouldn't have stumbled upon it. Now my mental recall has been provoked, I hope this is the same Reel of Rio that got lost in it years ago. I don't know what the "Rio" in question is. Maybe its just that the name sounds better that "The Reel of Lagan".

Sunday Jan 06, 2008
Eddy Duffy's Barndance
Sunday Jan 06, 2008
Sunday Jan 06, 2008
Here's the one which comes after the one which I haven't posted yet. This one and the one which isn't here are tunes from Fermanagh.

Thursday Jan 03, 2008
Gan Ainm (Tom Busby’s Jig)
Thursday Jan 03, 2008
Thursday Jan 03, 2008
Here's another port gan ainm. Níl port le hainm fágtha agam faoin am seo. I seem to have run out of names of tunes to post so I'm going to have to start ganning ainms for the next while. I learned this jig from a piper who has an ainm - Robbie Hannan - but whose ainm for this jig escapes me just now. I was never sure just how the two parts of the tune got on with each other but sometimes I can sense an uneasy peace between them.

Sunday Dec 30, 2007
Miss Ramsey's (highland)
Sunday Dec 30, 2007
Sunday Dec 30, 2007
This tune is also played as a reel with an extra bit thrown in. I'm sorry about the mess up at the end. I suddenly realised that I had seven minutes to finish the tune, upload it, write a comment, digest my dinner (I suspect that may actually take days) and catch the start of the film which appears to be the only thing on TV tonight. I'll try the reel version soon.

Friday Dec 28, 2007
The Humours of Glendart (jig)
Friday Dec 28, 2007
Friday Dec 28, 2007
Here's my attempted response to a request for this tune. Like most old and popular tunes it has lots of versions. I hope that this is at least in some way related to some of them. The Christmas to New Year period is left my memory more muddled than usual. I hope to be more organised in 2008.

Wednesday Dec 26, 2007
The New Custom House (reel)
Wednesday Dec 26, 2007
Wednesday Dec 26, 2007
I never knew much about customs, new, knew, known or none in particular but here's a tune relating to them which I hope isn't too taxing.

Monday Dec 24, 2007
Gan Ainm (jig)
Monday Dec 24, 2007
Monday Dec 24, 2007
Here's a nameless wonder. I don't suppose it would be very sociable of me to spend time posting tunes on the internet tomorrow, even ones with names, so here's my Happy Christmas effort. I hope Santa is kind to everyone and the tunes make it down the chimney without too much incident.

Sunday Dec 23, 2007
The Heathery Breeze (reel)
Sunday Dec 23, 2007
Sunday Dec 23, 2007
Here's a reel from my holidays. I don't play this very often so I hope my version has survived the years of neglect I've so lovingly administered to it.

Friday Dec 21, 2007
Smash the Windows (jig)
Friday Dec 21, 2007
Friday Dec 21, 2007
Here's a jig which I think is actually a single jig. I don't really understand all these different jig types so I'll just play the notes and leave the counting to those better qualified than I am. I think I first learned this tune from a book of the same name by Francie McPeake. This version is probably a bit different but as I can't find the book I can't be sure.

Thursday Dec 20, 2007
Christmas Eve (reel)
Thursday Dec 20, 2007
Thursday Dec 20, 2007
I'm better at knowing what time it is than knowing what day or year may be around about me. As it is cold and often dark quite early, I suspect this tune to be fairly seasonal about now. My version of this tune becomes less reliable as the day approaches but people who really know the tune will hopefully still recognise this approximation. I'll try to think of something else to play between now and the Santa season's epicentre.

Monday Dec 17, 2007
The Golden Keyboard (reel)
Monday Dec 17, 2007
Monday Dec 17, 2007
I can't really see what particular use could be made of a golden keyboard apart from for naming a tune after. It's a while since I either heard or played this tune (apart from about 3 minutes ago) so I can't guarantee that some keys on this particular board may be a bit more pig ironish than golden.

Saturday Dec 15, 2007
The Green Mountain (reel)
Saturday Dec 15, 2007
Saturday Dec 15, 2007
Sorry it's been so long since I posted a tune. The last thing I can remember is thinking that I was getting seasonal amnesia (I don't rightly know whether Santa will be able to fit it down the chimney, though). This tends to reduce the regularity of tune postings. Here's one anyway. I'm not sure whether the title refers to the said mountain's hue or to its being made of recycled hills. It certainly can seem on occasions to be a fairly recyclable reel. It's a nice one all the same and helps flute players to believe that tunes aren't all that hard after all.

Sunday Dec 09, 2007
The Top of Cork Road (jig)
Sunday Dec 09, 2007
Sunday Dec 09, 2007
Here's a jig I nicked off a record of Johnny Cronin and Joe Burke (that's Burke with a beard and banjo rather than a beard and box). The name is sometimes given to Father O'Flynn's jig as well.

Saturday Dec 08, 2007
The Cottage in the Grove (reel)
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
(Thanks Bernie for telling me the name of this tune). Here's a reel which is as un-ainm-ated as I feel today having been at an over-crowded, over-priced and over-cooked Christmas (it's barely even December) dinner last night. At least now it's just an over dinner without a hyphen in pursuit. Whatever about the name, I know enough about this tune to be able to say that I'm playing it in the key above its normal one. The present key is much easier on the flute than its G minor neighbour. I have to go out into the rain now and listen to the shouts of the man who drinks beside the bus stop. He appears very placid in good weather but anticyclones seem to upset him. Hopefully the bus won't be too long in arriving.

Saturday Dec 08, 2007
The Knights of Saint Patrick (jig)
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Here's my very belated response to a request to post this tune. I hope late turns out to be better than never.

Monday Dec 03, 2007
Smith's Favourite (hornpipe)
Monday Dec 03, 2007
Monday Dec 03, 2007
This is the name this hornpipe is given in Alan's Irish Fiddler. I think I've heard other names, and none, for it too. It's a good tune for exercising the G# key. I've included instances of both hitting and missing it throughout the tune.

Saturday Dec 01, 2007
Francis John McGovern's Reel
Saturday Dec 01, 2007
Saturday Dec 01, 2007
Here's a reel which I think has Fermanagh connections. If I knew about FJMcG I'd be more sure of this. I played the tune in a big, empty room so each note probably repeats itself about ten times. Just like my cooking.

Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
Maudabawn Chapel (reel)
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
Here's another tune I was asked to put on. One of my problems with playing this tune is that is seems to have far more notes than I do. Another is trying to identify what these notes are and in which order they ought to come. I tried looking at Reavy's book "Where The Shannon Rises" to see whether his version would shed any light on the matter but this just reinforced my view that none of his tunes are normally played the way he wrote them. Anyway, here's an attempt at an average of the myriad settings of this tune which tend to be lurking about the place.

Saturday Nov 24, 2007
Her Long Hair Flowing Down Her Back (hornpipe)
Saturday Nov 24, 2007
Saturday Nov 24, 2007
Here's a tune which it was suggested I play. It was written by Junior Crehan. The tune is maybe a bit too melodic for the likes of me to play so I hope I haven't mangled it too much. I've often had rain flowing down my back but that doesn't normally inspire anything other than cursing.

Friday Nov 23, 2007
Darby the Driver (jig)
Friday Nov 23, 2007
Friday Nov 23, 2007
I was told this name for this tune by someone I sometimes trust. I'm not sure whether this is one of those occasions. I hope it's a nice jig whatever its name is.

Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
The Twenty One Highland
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
The first part of this tune should really be played an octave lower on a fiddle, complete with nice growly bits. I'm afraid a flute is all I had to hand so this is the best I could do. I'm never sure how to end this tune on any instrument. Maybe not starting it would work.

Saturday Nov 17, 2007
The Ladies of Tullybardee (reel)
Saturday Nov 17, 2007
Saturday Nov 17, 2007
This is a John Doherty tune which is also known as the Monaghan Switch. There are a few versions on the go but this is the one which is stuck in my head at the moment. It's more or less the same as the version in the book "The Northern Fiddler".

Friday Nov 16, 2007
Barney Brannigan's (slip jig)
Friday Nov 16, 2007
Friday Nov 16, 2007
I was asked to play this tune and am very grateful to have been reminded of it. I apologise if my evening's libatory recreations have blurred Barney's notes too much. There's a flute player from my town who recorded this tune in a more sober manner. If my version's vagueness is too vicissitudinal then verification could be found in the vicinity his CD. He is called Marcas. Oíche mhaith, Michael.

Tuesday Nov 13, 2007
The Dispute at the Crossroads (reel)
Tuesday Nov 13, 2007
Tuesday Nov 13, 2007
This is a version of Dr. Gilbert's Reel. I could do with the services of the same Mr. Quack as my hearing, breathing and tuning are all away with it. I Think it's just what's known as a cold but I intend moaning about it all the same. Sorry if this sounds worse than normal. It's hard to sneeze and maintain in-tune-producing breaths down a flute at the same time. Maybe I should try dissolving the Lemsip rather than snorting it.

Sunday Nov 11, 2007

Friday Nov 09, 2007
Rakish Paddy (reel)
Friday Nov 09, 2007
Friday Nov 09, 2007
Here's a very popular reel. I don't know a wild pile about it.

Thursday Nov 08, 2007
The Devil in the Kitchen (Highland)
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
I think I have one of these which helps me cook.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2007
The Flaxdresser (jig)
Wednesday Nov 07, 2007
Wednesday Nov 07, 2007
Here's a nice plain tune which shouldn't do anyone too much harm.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
The Tailor's Twist
Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
Here's a hornpipe I was asked to post here. It took me about ten minutes to put the flute together as I'm tired after being away for a few days. I do the travel thing very badly. If I can put myself together in ten days I'll be doing well. As for putting this tune together ...

Monday Nov 05, 2007
The Butcher's March (jig)
Monday Nov 05, 2007
Monday Nov 05, 2007
A popular jig. I can't tell you much about it now as I have to rush off now.

Saturday Nov 03, 2007

Thursday Nov 01, 2007
Anach Cuain (jig)
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
Here's a song turned into a jig. Sorry for the higgledy-pigglediness of the posts over the next few days. I'll tidy them up next week.

Tuesday Oct 30, 2007
The Humours of Tuaimgreine (hornpipe)
Tuesday Oct 30, 2007
Tuesday Oct 30, 2007
Here's a nice hornpipe from County Clare. Some nice things do come from that county, so I'm told.

Sunday Oct 28, 2007
The Woods of Old Limerick (jig)
Sunday Oct 28, 2007
Sunday Oct 28, 2007
Here's one I was asked for. I'm not too sure of the second part so I looked it up. I hope I didn't mess it up too. The tune itself should be nice enough and strong enough to survive the slight mangling I gave it.

Saturday Oct 27, 2007
Is Trua Gan Peata an Mhaoir Agam
Saturday Oct 27, 2007
Saturday Oct 27, 2007
Here's a nice, simple reel which is really a song. I think I probably heard it on a recording of Michael Tubridy at some stage. I stole my wife's flute to play it here. There could be a slippery slope here somewhere.

Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
The Factory Smoke (hornpipe)
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
I think this tune is also known as "The Brown Coffin". I thought of the first title, and hence the tune, when I went into the kitchen to check on my dinner and was greeted by acrid fumes which made my eyes feel like I was wearing contact lenses made from slithers of onion. Now that I have eaten the dinner the second title is starting to annoy me. I think this tune is much nicer than my cooking. I've moved it up one from the G minor key some people play it in.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
The Showman's Fancy (hornpipe)
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
The first part of this tune seems to have about as many endings as prople who play it. It's a cheerful sort of tune for all that.

Sunday Oct 21, 2007
The Greencastle Hornpipe
Sunday Oct 21, 2007
Sunday Oct 21, 2007
Here's a melodic sort of a tune. It used to be the theme tune of the TG4 programme "Geantraí". It may well still be but it's on past my bedtime these days so I haven't seen it or heard its intro. for a while.

Saturday Oct 20, 2007
The Cocktail Reel
Saturday Oct 20, 2007
Saturday Oct 20, 2007
This might be related to Scotch Mary's tipple choices. It's definitely related to the Dublin Reel. I've heard this tune called "The Cock's Tail Reel" too. As for this rendition (very ordinary), I can't quite recall when I played it but I hope it isn't so bad as to be offensive.

Friday Oct 19, 2007
Scotch Mary (reel)
Friday Oct 19, 2007
Friday Oct 19, 2007
Ta CW for reminding me of this tune on C&F. I'm never too sure about C# vs. Cnat in pt.3 but I love this reel. As for Mary's taste in whiskey (or whisky) ... what's wrong with Power's or Jameson's? (apart from the paranoia they induce)

Friday Oct 19, 2007
Maggie in the Woods (polka)
Friday Oct 19, 2007
Friday Oct 19, 2007
This was recorded by Tom Morrison in 1928 and probably by several other people since. Maggie may be in them and I'm note sure that I'm out of them yet myself. This is the 500th posting I've put on this site so I'm away for a lie down and to think of a few tunes for the next thousand.

Thursday Oct 18, 2007
The Lillies in the Field (reel)
Thursday Oct 18, 2007
Thursday Oct 18, 2007
I once heard someone I know describe 2 women as being standing like "frillies in a field" but I have had little exposure to paddock based arums. This is a fairly popular tune which seems happy to have as much or little done to it is one may prefer.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2007
The Good Natured Man
Wednesday Oct 17, 2007
Wednesday Oct 17, 2007
Here's a tune which seems to be going through my head a bit recently. I think this os because Raidió na Gaeltachta are using it as the theme music for their pick of the week show "Rogha na Seachtaine", which often seems to call out from my radio when I'm washing potatoes for dinner. With the soon to arrive winter here, the tap water will get colder and I'll get sore hands washing the spuds. Three months of crunching at gritty tubas awaits me if I'm to save my fingers aching with the cold.

Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
The Shetland Fiddler
Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
Here's the tune I used to hear at sessions all the time played along with Dinky Dorrian's. For some reason it and Mr. Dorrian's reel seem fairly absent from the sessions I hear these days. Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder. In my case it just makes my recollections of this, and of "Dinky's", grow vaguer. In any case, here what remains of my recollections of it. I'm sure www land contains some less time-bevaguened versions.

Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
Dinky's 'lite'
Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
The Dermis can be taken from the feline by various means. This one might be less painful (but you'd really have to ask Tiddles). 'E's between the 'A's in the second part seem the ease the journey a bit. Just a notion but it might sound normal enough in a crowded pub.

Monday Oct 15, 2007
Dinky Dorrian's Reel (Dinky's)
Monday Oct 15, 2007
Monday Oct 15, 2007
Here's a reel which was released into the wild by Francie "Dearg" Byrne who was a fiddle player from Kilcar, Co. Donegal. It is often just known as "Dinky's". I was reminded of it by its being mentioned on the C&F flute forum today. I didn't know it was a hard tune until I tried to play it here. I think it is easier on a bowed flute with strings but it is probably quicker to practice it a bit on the flute than to go off and learn the fiddle just for this one tune. It's worth getting hold of RTÉ's CD "The Donegal Fiddle" to hear the late, great Mr. Byrne playing it.

Monday Oct 15, 2007
The Ballykett Courthouse
Monday Oct 15, 2007
Monday Oct 15, 2007
Here's a single reel from Co. Clare. I've always been well behaved when in Co. Clare so all I know of this courthouse is that it has a reel named after it. I suspect it hasn't heard the clatter of a gavel for some time.

Sunday Oct 14, 2007
Dever The Dancer (slip jig)
Sunday Oct 14, 2007
Sunday Oct 14, 2007
I'm never quite sure the title of this tune refers to someone's name or is an instruction. It is a very popular tune and is on a lot of recordings. Packie Duignan recorded a particularly nice version of it.

Saturday Oct 13, 2007
Lord Gordon's Reel
Saturday Oct 13, 2007
Saturday Oct 13, 2007
This reel started out as a perfectly respectable 2 part creation but Michael Coleman threw a whole pile of other bits at it. He must of been either having a very bad or a very good day. Here's my attempt at remembering it.

Friday Oct 12, 2007
The Congress Reel
Friday Oct 12, 2007
Friday Oct 12, 2007
I don't think I've recorded this one already. If I have then the previous attempt is buried in the oblivion which befits its qualities. This tune is probably usually played in something approaching A minor. It also seems to quite like being played a key up the ways so I've 'B' ten as well. I think that's as far along the alphabet as I'll venture today.