
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
The Wren Hornpipe
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Here's another tune from O'Neill's Dance Music of Ireland. I hadn't noticed it before, despite its being there since 1907. I don't remember ever seeing a wren either. Maybe because they're so small.

Friday Nov 04, 2011
Peter Wyper’s Hornpipe
Friday Nov 04, 2011
Friday Nov 04, 2011
Here's a tune called Peter Wyper's hornpipe. It is named after one of the Brothers Wyper who is pictured above. I had intended posting a smaller brace of Wypers but couldn't find the shrink button to resize the photo. You could look at the photo on a smartphone screen to make it small but I think the text would go all exiguous at the same time.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
The Humours of Ballyconnell (hornpipe)
Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
Here's a new post after a very long gap. I couldn't remember where I left the internet. I was sent an mp3 file of someone playing this tune far better that it is played here. I know that Séan Keane recorded it at some stage and hear it from time to time in sessions but I can't remember exactly how it goes. I found a transcription in the bit of the internet referred to below. I'm afraid I've lost / mis-ordered a few notes during the eye to mouth process but here's an approximation - hopefully enough to get a more accurate and diciplined person started learning the tune. http://www.thesession.org/tunes/display/2748

Thursday Oct 29, 2009
The Home Ruler (hornpipe)
Thursday Oct 29, 2009
Thursday Oct 29, 2009
Here's another request from long ago. I don't think the tune's title refers to a domestic measuring tool.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2009
Higgins’ Hornpipe
Wednesday Apr 22, 2009
Wednesday Apr 22, 2009
I've just been asked to play this tune so here it is. I'm not too sure how reliable this version is but it is maybe a bit closer to the version common in Ireland than the version on another website near you. I think it mightn't originally be an Irish tune so maybe the funny version is the normal version where the funny version comes from and the normal version is maybe ... etc. This is also known as "The Cliff Hornpipe". Whether that's the Cliff of "Summer Holiday" fame, I don't know.

Monday Apr 13, 2009
Mulqueeny’s Hornpipe
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Here's one I wasn't asked to play. I wasn't asked not to play it either so as it doesn't seem to be here already I thought I'd give it a go. I think I was half the age I am now when I last played this tune and if I live to be twice the age I am now I'll either have too few teeth or too much sense to play it again. There's a touch of a farting in the bath sound about it. Maybe it's more of a windpipe than a hornpipe.

Monday Apr 13, 2009
Johnny Cope (hornpipe)
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Here a very long hornpipe which I've been asked to play. I maybe played it a bit too fast the second time around but as it has so many parts I had to rush to finish it before the shops shut. (This version is vaguely like the one in Ceol Rince na hÉireann Vol. 3 - No. 208)

Friday Nov 28, 2008
The Little Stack of Wheat (hornpipe)
Friday Nov 28, 2008
Friday Nov 28, 2008
Here's a tune I've been asked to play. I think there are various cereal crops piled up in hornpipe names. In these straitened times maybe a little stack is the most appropriate choice for the days that are in it ... innit'?

Saturday Sep 27, 2008
The Mathematician (hornpipe)
Saturday Sep 27, 2008
Saturday Sep 27, 2008
1 + 1 = ????? Never could add up (or hit a high 'A' - worried about hiatus and all that stuff).

Saturday Aug 09, 2008
The Sunset (hornpipe-ish)
Saturday Aug 09, 2008
Saturday Aug 09, 2008
Here's a tune from a list of ones I was asked to play. I learned it years ago as the "Flying Rockets" / "Robert Emmett's Flying Spaceship". As is the case with sunsets (I think they require the sun to be in the sky at the start of the setting process), I haven't heared tell of this tune for a long time. I hope I've remembered most of the notes.

Monday Jun 23, 2008
The Stack of Barley (hornpipe)
Monday Jun 23, 2008
Monday Jun 23, 2008
Here's a very common hornpipe. I'm sorry about the sound. I listened back to it (I normally don't) and it sounds as if I recorded it in a particularly cavernous public lavatory. May it was the same one in which some 1970s record companies used to record their traditional music LPs.

Friday Jun 20, 2008
The Stage Hornpipe
Friday Jun 20, 2008
Friday Jun 20, 2008
I've been asked to try this one. Well, at least I tried. I sort of learned it once off a Michael Coleman record but I don't have that record any more so I'm relying on memory; never a wise move in my case.