
Thursday Oct 11, 2007
The Star Above the Garter
Thursday Oct 11, 2007
Thursday Oct 11, 2007
Here's a slide which gives its name to a great record of Juiia Clifford and Denis Murphy from Sliabh Luachra. The name may have other connotations too but I don't understand them, whatever they may be.

Tuesday Oct 09, 2007
The Moving Cloud (reel)
Tuesday Oct 09, 2007
Tuesday Oct 09, 2007
Here's a tune I was asked to play. I haven't chanced it for a long time as the clouds in the sky above here seem to have forgotten how to move so this tune never seem to come to mind. It was composed, I think, by Neillidh Boyle who was a remarkable fiddle player from near Dunglow in Donegal. His birdsong impressions are equally as memorable as his tunes about his cumulus companions. I hope the tune survived my memory lapses and general inability to play at the moment.

Sunday Oct 07, 2007
The Boys of Portaferry (reel)
Sunday Oct 07, 2007
Sunday Oct 07, 2007
I don't know much about this one apart from how it goes (sort of).

Saturday Oct 06, 2007
Poll Ha'penny
Saturday Oct 06, 2007
Saturday Oct 06, 2007
I'm not sure what the name of this hornpipe refers to. I far too young to remember ha'pennies. The "Poll" sometimes manifests itself as a "Paul". That makes things even less clear to me.

Friday Oct 05, 2007
John Byrne's Jig
Friday Oct 05, 2007
Friday Oct 05, 2007
Brendán Breathnach got this jig from James Byrne's father John and included it in Ceol Rince na hÉireann vol. 2. That was very considerate of him.

Thursday Oct 04, 2007
Tommy Peoples' Reel
Thursday Oct 04, 2007
Thursday Oct 04, 2007
I know the title doesn't narrow down this tune's identity particularly well. Mind you, neither does "Gan Ainm" which is the other label I have for it. You can hear it played properly on a record that Tommy Peoples and Matt Molloy made some time ago.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2007
O'Connell's Trip to Parliament
Tuesday Oct 02, 2007
Tuesday Oct 02, 2007
Here's a popular reel. Mr. O'Connell's had his followers too, in places.

Monday Oct 01, 2007
The Mossy Banks (reel)
Monday Oct 01, 2007
Monday Oct 01, 2007
This is probably more messy than mossy the way I play it but it's a good tune despite that.

Sunday Sep 30, 2007
Jerry's Beaver Hat
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
Here's a very popular jig. Thanks Mary for reminding me of it. I seem to be struggling a bit with it in places. I think this might just be my blackwood flute getting jealous of its new sibling.

Saturday Sep 29, 2007
The Contradiction Reel
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
This is really a fiddle tune but apart from the differences with strings, shape, holes, method of playing, sound and a few other things, a flute is just like a fiddle. I'm not sure whether this is really like a tune but it'll pass a couple of minutes finding out.

Saturday Sep 29, 2007
The Sally Gardens
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
Here's a very common tune. Don't try singing Yeats to this version.

Friday Sep 28, 2007
The Stone in the Field (reel)
Friday Sep 28, 2007
Friday Sep 28, 2007
I think I'm getting used to this new flute now. I'm not quite so sure about being used to the recording levels to stop the Ps escaping from the MP3 files of it.

Thursday Sep 27, 2007
The Glencolmbcille Reel
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
Andy McGann called this as above. John Doherty called it "The Fantastic Reel". I think I should call it a day. I'll try again tomorrow. I'll call that Friday.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2007
The Whinny Hills of Leitrim
Wednesday Sep 26, 2007
Wednesday Sep 26, 2007
Here's a slip jig. There are a few with this name, maybe not one for every hill in lovely Leitrim but at least two or three. I'll try to remember them. In the meantime I'd better go off and feed my hungry new flute with almond oil.

Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
Brendan Tonra's Jig
Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
Here's a nice jig from a fiddle player I met the only time I was ever in America. I'm playing it on a brand new flute here and I have also been eating chicken too recently. I'm not sure that that is a perfect set of circumstances for flute playing but I hope the tune is decipherable amidst the lathe whirring and the distressed clucking.

Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
Stay Another While
Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
This tune has probably stayed too many whiles in its limbo place prior to my posting it now. As a result I can't remember how badly I played bits of it so I'll just apologise for it all.

Sunday Sep 23, 2007
The Humours of Tulla
Sunday Sep 23, 2007
Sunday Sep 23, 2007
Here are some humours. I hope you like them. Bye bye for now.

Saturday Sep 22, 2007
Last Night's Fun (2)
Saturday Sep 22, 2007
Saturday Sep 22, 2007
It was such a good night that it required two reels to do it justice.

Friday Sep 21, 2007
Last Night's Fun (1)
Friday Sep 21, 2007
Friday Sep 21, 2007
Here's a popular reel commemorating a recent evening's enjoyment.

Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Mrs. Creehan's Reel
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Here's a flute-friendly tune. I'm sure Mrs. C was very genial too.

Tuesday Sep 18, 2007
The Sandmount
Tuesday Sep 18, 2007
Tuesday Sep 18, 2007
This is called "Mick Hand's Reel" on a Mary Bergin record. That's tantamount to a hand mount. Whatever all this amounts to it is a nice reel.

Monday Sep 17, 2007
The Liverpool Hornpipe
Monday Sep 17, 2007
Monday Sep 17, 2007
This one has just raised its head inside my head for some reason so here it is before I forget it again.

Sunday Sep 16, 2007
Pretty Maggie Morrissey
Sunday Sep 16, 2007
Sunday Sep 16, 2007
Here's a fairly inoffensive sort of tune. That in itself might be reason enough for playing it.

Saturday Sep 15, 2007
The Old Wheels of the World
Saturday Sep 15, 2007
Saturday Sep 15, 2007
I still haven't got round to playing the new ones. They appear to be in the process of falling off at the moment so I'm maybe best leaving them to it.

Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Mama's Pet (2)
Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Here's Mama's other pet. It think it is currently my pet Mama's Pet.

Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Mama's Pet (1)
Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Here's one of Mama's pets. I know of at least one other so Mama must never have been lonely.

Wednesday Sep 12, 2007
The Belfast Hornpipe
Wednesday Sep 12, 2007
Wednesday Sep 12, 2007
This is also known as the Sweep's hornpipe. Poor old Béal Feirste could do with a good brushing. Now that the whole town is a smokeless zone there are probably plenty of spare bristled implements with which to effect that very same cleanup.

Monday Sep 10, 2007
Tomeen O'Dea's Reel (Ríl Thomáisín Uí Dheaghdha)
Monday Sep 10, 2007
Monday Sep 10, 2007
For such a simple reel there seem to be a lot of ways of playing the second part. I've had a go at a few of them here. It's a great tune for the flute.

Sunday Sep 09, 2007
Dillon's Fancy (reel)
Sunday Sep 09, 2007
Sunday Sep 09, 2007
I don't know which Dillon liked this one - Bob, Thomas or the rabbit from the Magic Roundabout, but I admire his, her or its taste.

Saturday Sep 08, 2007
Ask My Father
Saturday Sep 08, 2007
Saturday Sep 08, 2007
Here's a 12/8 single jig. It's a sort of pipey thing but a flute can think that it is a pipe when necessary.

Friday Sep 07, 2007
The Humours of Whiskey (2)
Friday Sep 07, 2007
Friday Sep 07, 2007
There seem to be quite a few tunes with this name. Most of them are slip jigs. I think I know what causes them to slip. It took me about ten minutes to get anything even resembling a tune out of my flute this morning. I'm sorry if this tune sounds excessively reluctant.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
The Scowling Wife
Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Here's a reel I think I heard from James Byrne who is a great fiddle player from Donegal. I'm not sure what scowling looks like (I've led a charmed life) so apologies if the attached image is erroneously selected.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Scatter The Mud (jig)
Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Here's a jig which doesn't seem to get just as much playing as it used to. Maybe scattering mud has been superseded by slinging it. This version is fairly close to the one on O'Neill's book although my copy is very old and grubby and it can be hard to tell whether some of the black marks are notes or just scattered bits of dirt.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
Request from me - Survey
Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
As part of a dissertation on Irish traditional music I am trying to find out what various musicians’ attitudes are to changes which have affected this music over the years. I am asking people to give brief answers to the two questions below. The answers can be in either English or Irish (the dissertation is in Irish). I don’t want people to spend too much of their time on them; a few lines would do. I’ll refer to the answers I get in the conclusions section of the dissertation.
If you are willing to write a couple of lines please email them to me (iflute@googlemail.com) or post them as comment on this post. I have also asked for comments at http://www.thesession.org/discussions/display/15024 and at http://chiffboard.mati.ca/viewtopic.php?t=53095 (sorry for being greedy).
Many thanks,
English version
“From 150 until 50 years ago Irish Traditional Music did undergo change and evolution but it is likely that a musician from the beginning of that period would have found little difficulty in playing with a musician from its end. The changes in the music over the last 50 years, however, mean that in some cases, that would not be the case for many musicians over the span of the last 5 decades.”
1) Do you agree with this statement?
2) Do you think that Irish Traditional music is in a better state than it was 50 or 150 years ago?
Leagan Gaeilge
“Ó Chéad bliain go leith ó shin go dtí caoga bliain ó shin, d’imir athruithe agus forbairt tionchar ar Cheol Traidisiúnta na hÉireann ach is dócha nach mbeadh deacrachtaí ró-mhór ag ceoltóirí ó thús na tréimhse sin ag iarraidh ceol a sheinm le ceoltóirí óna deireadh. De thoradh na n-athruithe a tharla maidir leis an cheol le caoga bliain anuas, áfach, ní bheadh sin fíor idir ceoltóirí ó thús agus ó dheireadh na linne seo a chuaigh thart”.
1) An aontaíonn tú leis an ráiteas seo thuas?
2) An gcreideann tú go bhfuil dóigh níos fearr ar Cheol Traidisiúnta na hÉireann inniu ná a bhíodh caoga bliain nó céad bliain is caoga ó shin?

Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
The Jolly Tinker
Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
Tuesday Sep 04, 2007
Here's a tune referring to a multi tasking person who can also be drunken, yellow and have daughters. I'm sure there there are more things to add to that list too.

Monday Sep 03, 2007
The Otter's Holt (reel)
Monday Sep 03, 2007
Monday Sep 03, 2007
Here's a popular reel. I've probably seen an otter as recently as I have played this reel until now and I hope the notes have more or less landed where they belong.

Sunday Sep 02, 2007
Tansey's Favourite
Sunday Sep 02, 2007
Sunday Sep 02, 2007
Here's a reel which shares part of its name with a well known flute player. I'll not say which part of the name applies. I might have played this one on my plastic flute but I'm not sure. I've been to Dublin and appear to have left most of my memory there.

Saturday Sep 01, 2007
Crowley's Reel (2)
Saturday Sep 01, 2007
Saturday Sep 01, 2007
This is probably cruelty to a Crowley but here's the second half of the pair anyway. I'm posting this in absentia (one of my favourite places) so it will probably be on the wrong side of the introduction for a day. I'm sure that all means nothing but I wanted to type it anyway. (This is another plastic flute experiment)

Friday Aug 31, 2007
Jenny's Welcome to Charlie
Friday Aug 31, 2007
Friday Aug 31, 2007
Here's one I've been asked to play. I was never sure what to do with the first part (maybe play it on a fiddle) so I might be floundering a bit here. I hope I haven't mangled it too much. If I was Charlie and was welcomed by an attempt like mine here I wouldn't be too pleased with Jenny but I did try.

Friday Aug 31, 2007
Crowley's Reel (1)
Friday Aug 31, 2007
Friday Aug 31, 2007
Here's a Crowley's reel. There are a few of them. Michael Coleman must have been a fan of Mr. Crowley as he recorded a few tunes named after him. I've played this one on my plastic flute. I hope Mr. Crowley doesn't mind.

Thursday Aug 30, 2007
The Reel of Sparks (Ríl na Drithleog)
Thursday Aug 30, 2007
Thursday Aug 30, 2007
I know that I heard this tune from the Donegal fiddle player James Byrne but I don't know for sure whether this is it's name. He does play one of this name so there's a chance I'm right. As for whether I remembered how it goes; who knows? I think it sort of goes like this. There's a record of James Byrne's playing which has this tune on it but I have it as an LP and my machine to making LPs sing has lost its voice and so I can't check.

Monday Aug 27, 2007
The Floating Crowbar
Monday Aug 27, 2007
Monday Aug 27, 2007
Here's a tune I was asked to play and used to hear in sessions all the time. Maybe that's got something to do with the fact that I used to go to sessions all the time. I made slightly heavy weather of it here. Maybe I should try playing the crowbar and floating the flute.

Sunday Aug 26, 2007
The Holy Land
Sunday Aug 26, 2007
Sunday Aug 26, 2007
Here's a common reel. I played it here on a plastic flute. I'm not sure whether playing reels into a computer using a plastic tube is really all that wholesome, or holy for that matter. I'm pleased with the flute, though.

Saturday Aug 25, 2007
The Scottish Hunt
Saturday Aug 25, 2007
Saturday Aug 25, 2007
Here's a nice thing, except if you're a fox. I suspect no foxes ever look at this site so I'll not be overly concerned about upsetting any of them.

Friday Aug 24, 2007
Big John's Reel
Friday Aug 24, 2007
Friday Aug 24, 2007
Here's a fairly popular reel from Fermanagh which I heard on a record of Cathal McConnell. That's all I have to say on the matter.

Friday Aug 24, 2007
The Steampacket
Friday Aug 24, 2007
Friday Aug 24, 2007
This reel is also known as "The Mountain Lark". Neither playing with packets of steam nor larking on mountains are particularly safe activities but playing this tune on a flute should be fairly harmless.

Thursday Aug 23, 2007
The Maids of Mitchelstown
Thursday Aug 23, 2007
Thursday Aug 23, 2007
Here's a reel which fairly popular and which I like despite never knowing whether E, F natural of F sharp should be in second part. Here's a go at it anyway.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2007
Gone For His Tea (reel)
Wednesday Aug 22, 2007
Wednesday Aug 22, 2007
Here's a nice reel which Michael Tubridy played on his LP "The Eagle's Whistle". I've been stealing a lot of tunes from that LP lately which is odd as I haven't heard it for at least ten years. I have it buried somewhere in my record collection which is, in turn, buried somewhere in my dust collection.

Tuesday Aug 21, 2007
The Wheels of the World (jig)
Tuesday Aug 21, 2007
Tuesday Aug 21, 2007
There are world wheels of the reel variety but here are the ones in jig time. This jig can be found on one of Mary Bergin's records, among other places.

Monday Aug 20, 2007
Tie The Ribbons
Monday Aug 20, 2007
Monday Aug 20, 2007
I had intended to post a different tune but I must have forgotten to upload it and as a result it is languishing on my computer at home. I, on the other hand, am languishing somewhere else. Here's this tune instead. I think Bobby Casey used to play it.

Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Josie McDermott's (The Trip to Birmingham)
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Here's a reel written by the great flute / whistle / saxophone player and singer Josie McDermott. I think it was called as above but I'm not totally sure. I'm sorry about the minor choking fit towards the end. I should really rerecord the tune but I have to go out before the shop shuts.

Saturday Aug 18, 2007
Billy McCormick's Jig
Saturday Aug 18, 2007
Saturday Aug 18, 2007
Here's a jig which had this name put on it when it was put on "Kerry's Own" Paddy Cronin's LP. It was made into dots in Ceol Rince na hÉireann Vol. 3 (number 7). I don't think it's played all that often but it is a comfortable tune for playing on a flute.

Friday Aug 17, 2007
Paddy Breen's Jig
Friday Aug 17, 2007
Friday Aug 17, 2007
Here's a nice jig (I have yet to admit to playing any horrible ones but I'm sure there are plenty of emetic melodies on this site) which comes from the tin whistle playing of Paddy Breen from Co. Clare. Michael Tubridy put it on his LP "The Eagle's Whistle". There's a recording of Paddy Breen to be got too, in case anyone is really keen. http://www.folktrax.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/menus/cassprogs/078.htm (26/09/2008 The link above doesn't work any more. This one does: http://web.archive.org/web/20020605035813/www.folktrax.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/menus/main.html A search on the page for 078 will then find the recording. It a fine recording of a great musician. I hope it is still available. The contact details on the site will hopefully lead you to it.)

Thursday Aug 16, 2007
The Crooked Road to Dublin
Thursday Aug 16, 2007
Thursday Aug 16, 2007
I might start using this road myself instead of the train which took 5 hours last Saturday to get there from Belfast. This is yet another popular reel which I hadn't remembered until now.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
The Wise Maid
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
Here's yet another one that got away. This is close to the version the box player Joe Cooley from Peterswell, Co.Galway, played. He mightn't have had a blocked left ear, though. I think it's either blocked with bits of forgotten tunes or else maybe that's were all the odd socks are. The stereo version of this reel is very popular in sessions.

Monday Aug 13, 2007
The Laurel Tree
Monday Aug 13, 2007
Monday Aug 13, 2007
Here's another tune which I thought I must have recorded already but doesn't come up in a search of this site. I suppose it's like so many other things I think I've ever learned which don't come up in a search of my head either. I seem to remember this reel being quite pleasant and also quite popular in sessions.

Sunday Aug 12, 2007
The Fairy Reel
Sunday Aug 12, 2007
Sunday Aug 12, 2007
I did a search for "Fairy" on this site and nothing came back for it. I'll take that to mean that this is the first time I have posted this tune. It's a fairly popular fairy tune.

Saturday Aug 11, 2007
Eddie Duffy's Reel
Saturday Aug 11, 2007
Saturday Aug 11, 2007
Here's a reel which I think comes from Fermanagh. Eddie Duffy came from Fermanagh so that's who I'm associating the tune with. This is all a but tenuous but it might be right despite my best efforts.

Friday Aug 10, 2007
Apples in Winter
Friday Aug 10, 2007
Friday Aug 10, 2007
I was asked to post this popular jig so here it is. I've recently heard some people playing a couple of extra parts at the end of this tune. I get the impression that the only function of the other parts is to make those who play them feel pleased with themselves for being able to remember four bits all at once. As a two part jig I think it an excellent tune.

Thursday Aug 09, 2007
Father Kelly's (2)
Thursday Aug 09, 2007
Thursday Aug 09, 2007
I'm putting on a Father Kelly's (2) without first posting an FK's (1). I know that this is the wrong way to go about things and I also know that this tune isn't either of the tunes which I think really are called Father Kelly's. I saw this tune with the FK tag on it in a book. If anyone has another name for it, please let me know.

Wednesday Aug 08, 2007
Johnny "Watt" Henry's (Níl sé Gan Ainm níos mó)
Wednesday Aug 08, 2007
Wednesday Aug 08, 2007
Thanks for the name, Harry. I'm glad it wasn't Nelly.
I've been trying to be organised by recording tunes in advance and then posting them over athe subsequent days. This is OK when I have names for them but I've labelled this mp3 file as "ganainm17-18" and I can't really remember what it is. I suspect that it is a reel from which appears on pages 17 - 18 of the book "A Trip To Sligo". If I'm right then it's a good flute reel and the Trip to Sligo version comes from the playing of Colm O'Donnell (although I have neither access to the book or to a sound source to check). On the other hand it might just be Danny Boy or Nelly the Elephant. That mightn't be so bad either as I'm probably posting too many reels anyway.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2007
Brendan Mulhare's Reel
Tuesday Aug 07, 2007
Tuesday Aug 07, 2007
I've not much to say about this one. It's called by this name in the "Trip to Sligo" book. Some of it (the tune and / or the book) is fairly pleasant.

Monday Aug 06, 2007
Gorman's Barndance (Jamesy Gannon's)
Monday Aug 06, 2007
Monday Aug 06, 2007
Here's a barndance by way of a change from all the tunes that aren't barndances. This tune is called "Jamesy Gannon's Barndance" on a record of Michael Gorman, the Sligo fiddle player but then so are about half a dozen other tunes on the same recording. I've also heard this tune in more Northern climbs such as Donegal. Here it is in no geographical setting at all.

Monday Aug 06, 2007
The Bellharbour Reel
Monday Aug 06, 2007
Monday Aug 06, 2007
Here's a popular reel. I've seen this reel called "Dillon's Reel" on www.thesession.org where someone has written that this isn't called the Bellharbour Reel. Wharever about its name, some of its notes are pleasant enough.

Sunday Aug 05, 2007
Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Sunday Aug 05, 2007
Sunday Aug 05, 2007
Here's a good simple jig. As for the sentiment in the title; well ...

Sunday Aug 05, 2007
The Golden Eagle
Sunday Aug 05, 2007
Sunday Aug 05, 2007
Here's a nice hornpipe. The second part is supposed to have a couple of D sharps in it but my flute wasn't really convinced.

Saturday Aug 04, 2007
The Coachman's Whip
Saturday Aug 04, 2007
Saturday Aug 04, 2007
Here's a tune that was probably not written by a horse. Very few are. In fact, it was definitely not written by a horse. It was written by Co. Galway flute player Vincent Broderick.

Friday Aug 03, 2007
Trim The Velvet
Friday Aug 03, 2007
Friday Aug 03, 2007
I put this on before but in company. I've just been asked to play it so here it is on its own. It's only about 9:00am which is a bit early for trimming velvet or anything more elaborate than toast or toenails but I did my poor best.

Friday Aug 03, 2007
Paddy Mills' Fancy
Friday Aug 03, 2007
Friday Aug 03, 2007
Here's a reel from the late, great Paddy Mills from North Mayo.

Thursday Aug 02, 2007
McFarley's Reel
Thursday Aug 02, 2007
Thursday Aug 02, 2007
Here's a Donegal version of The Maids of Castlebar. A don't know whether there's a Mayo version of The Donegal Reel. I'll record The Maids of Castlebar as well when I get a chance so that the reference to McFarley's being a version of it makes some sort of sense.

Wednesday Aug 01, 2007
The Setting Sun
Wednesday Aug 01, 2007
Wednesday Aug 01, 2007
Here's a popular and melodic jig which is called by this name in Ceol Rince na hÉireann 5. It must have been taken down a long time ago. I don't remember there having been a sun to set recently.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
The Creel of Turf
Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
Here's a popular jig dedicated to some semi fossilized plants which usually get thown on a fire.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
The Lass of Ballintra
Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
Tuesday Jul 31, 2007
Here's one which Seán McGuire played. It's reasonably flutable for all that.

Monday Jul 30, 2007
Toss The Feathers
Monday Jul 30, 2007
Monday Jul 30, 2007
Here's a very very popular reel. As for the activity described in the title, I know little of it. The limit of my experience of plumage related activities would be the odd unsuccessful attempt at ruffling.

Sunday Jul 29, 2007
John Doherty's Cameronian Reel
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
The Donegal fiddle player John Doherty played a few tunes which he called "The Cameronian Reel", none of which are the normal one of that name. This one was also recorded by Michael Coleman at some stage but I can't remember what he called it. I've played the first part single here. It maybe ought to be double, or maybe I would have been better leaving both parts out completely.

Sunday Jul 29, 2007
The Broken Lantern
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
I never had a name for this jig but it appears as "The Broken Lantern" in Ceol Rince na hÉireann vol. 5. This is more or less the version in that book too.

Saturday Jul 28, 2007
Around The World For Sport
Saturday Jul 28, 2007
Saturday Jul 28, 2007
Here's a popular reel which is sometimes also called "The Sword in The Hand" - worth two in the bush.

Friday Jul 27, 2007
Kitty in The Lane
Friday Jul 27, 2007
Friday Jul 27, 2007
If this playing of this reel sounds bad, I'm blaming a big toe infection. It's making tapping time very uncomfortable.

Friday Jul 27, 2007
The Flower of The Flock
Friday Jul 27, 2007
Friday Jul 27, 2007
The name of this reel always reminds me of wallpaper. I suspect I'm missing the point but I see more walls than birds or other flocking creatures in my daily life.

Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Miss McGuinness
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Here's a reel which sounds like a few others but isn't any of them. It's a great tune for playing on the flute.

Thursday Jul 26, 2007
The Green Fields of America
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Here's a reel celebrating the colour (color) of the grass in the USA. Willie Clancy was one person who played this tune.

Wednesday Jul 25, 2007
The Devils of Dublin
Wednesday Jul 25, 2007
Wednesday Jul 25, 2007
This reel seems to be a Sligo thing (recorded by Michael Coleman and his ilk). I'm not sure exactly which Baile Átha Cliath Beelzebubs are referred to in its title.

Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Down The Back Lane
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Here's a piping jig usually associated with Willie Clancy. (It may well not usually be associated with him at all but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Willie Clancy did play it, though).

Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
The Navvy on The Shore
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Here's a very flutish sort of reel. It's a good one for just blowing at and flapping the digits a bit.

Monday Jul 23, 2007
Old Hag You have Killed Me
Monday Jul 23, 2007
Monday Jul 23, 2007
Here's a piping jig which Willie Clancy and then the Bothy Band made popular. I'll not write anything about its name.

Monday Jul 23, 2007
The Humours of Westport
Monday Jul 23, 2007
Monday Jul 23, 2007
Here's a reel which is often in 'F'. I have it here in 'D' and 'G', either of which are a bit flutier. 'F' is often better for spelling a flute than playing one.

Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Tommy Bhetty's Waltz
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Here's a waltz for a change. It comes from Fermanagh and goes more or less like this.

Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Swinging on the Gate
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Here's a reel I was asked to play. Make sure you ask the gate owner's permission before trying this. I remember being shouted at as a child for just climbing on a gate, let alone oscillating on it.

Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Rip the Calico
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Here's a very popular reel. It is particularly suited to the flute.

Saturday Jul 21, 2007
The Garden of Daisies
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Here's a set dance or long dance. I'm afraid the daisies are a bit wilted here but hopefully someone out there will revive them.

Friday Jul 20, 2007
Martin Mulhaire's Number 9
Friday Jul 20, 2007
Friday Jul 20, 2007
Here's one which I was sent a while ago (thanks Billy) and have only got around to posting now.

Friday Jul 20, 2007
Rolling in The Barrel
Friday Jul 20, 2007
Friday Jul 20, 2007
I know about rolling out the barrel. Here another way to barrel roll. This tune is on a record of PJ Hayes and Paddy Canny.

Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Gillian's Apples (2)
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Here is the four part 'D' version of the previous jig.

Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Gillian's Apples (1)
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
Here's a jig the title of which sometimes states the apples as being Gillan's and not Gillian's. As Gillan is just a Gillian with an eye missing then bad spllenig probably accounts for this. There are two main versions of this tune. Here's the two part one in G.

Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
The Old Copperplate
Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
This is the one some people call "The Copperplate" while calling the one I call "The Old Copperplate" "The Copperplate". If you search this site for "Copperplate" you'll find the one I call "The Copperplate" sandwiched between 2 other tunes which I neither call "The Copperplate" nor "The Old Copperplate". I hope that clears up any potential confusion.

Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
The Plough in The Stars
Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
Here's a reel written by Larry Redican. I could never really get all that constellation stuff (or anything to do with the universe for that matter). The nocturnal lanterns all just look like dots to me. I'd love to be able to look up and see "Ursa Minor" or "Pegasus" or "The Sturmey Archer 3 Seeed Hub" but all I get are dots.
Nice Reel though. Thanks again, C.
(The rest of the list is going to require a bit of head scratching - hard to do while playing a flute but nothing ventured ...)

Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
The Hunter's House
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
This is another of Reavy's tunes. I had to check in a book of his tunes to see which one matched this name. I then had to check the order in which my fingers waggled in order to bring my version towards some sort of approximation of the way he had written it. Hopefully this version should be close enough to play with people with better powers of recall than mine. It is one of Reavy's most popular reels.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
The Green Gates
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
The picture is just a blatant ploy to allow me to quote Sherlock Holmes when asked what had happened to the gates ... "Lemon entry, my dear Watson" (primary school, 1975).
This is a very popular reel, again from my new list (thankyou).
I hope all gates that should be, are now very verdant indeed.

Monday Jul 16, 2007
The Cúil Aodha Jig
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Here's another one from my new list. I hope it's the right one. I've already played it as "Amhrán an Tae" (The Tea Song) but as I used a different key and a different name, I'm claiming that it is a different tune. It's a good tune to exercise the G sharp key although the wee finger on my left hand seemed fairly reluctant to be party to procedure. I think I'm going to play tunes with no notes in them at all for the next while - sort of John Cage on the flute.

Monday Jul 16, 2007
Jenny's Chickens
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Here's a reel which I've recently been reminded of. It has been recorded by many people in the past, none of whom made it sound as foul or paultry has it does here.