
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Terry Hi Ho the Grinder (slip jig)
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Here's a tune with a funny name. I learned it from a flute player with a less peculiar appellation, i.e. Harry Bradley. I recorded this on a mobile phone mp3 recording app (and a flute) and the end result seems to include some 78rpm type crackles. That may have been an option which I inadvertantly chose on the recording device.

Friday Dec 18, 2009
Na Ceannabháin Bhána (slip jig)
Friday Dec 18, 2009
Friday Dec 18, 2009
Here's a slip jig which is really the tune of a song. I think I have a CD somewhere including a recording of Séamus Ennis singing the song but it has been hidden somewhere more obscure than the side of the sofa by a young child. I've had to rely on memory therefore for the way the tune goes. The title means something like "The fair haired Canavans".

Friday Dec 19, 2008
A Fig For a Kiss (slip jig)
Friday Dec 19, 2008
Friday Dec 19, 2008
Here's a slip jig which I was asked to post here. It's been so long since I posted anything that the requestor has probably forgotten requesting it. I don't know whether you need a special type of fig for a kiss; "can I have a fig please; one of those ones you use for ... ?" and if so is it the same sort which helps with the digestive processes. Maybe just typing this little 'f' word will ease the blockage in my tune posting pipeline. I must go now and post some Santa cards.

Saturday Oct 11, 2008
The Hawthorn (slip jig)
Saturday Oct 11, 2008
Saturday Oct 11, 2008
Here's a wee tune I stole out of Ceol Rince na hÉireann 3 (uimhir 57). I know it's meant to be bad luck stealing or interfering with thorn bushes in the wild. Hopefully na daoine beaga don't take such a dim view of thorn thefts from tomes.

Saturday Sep 27, 2008
Top it Off (slip jig)
Saturday Sep 27, 2008
Saturday Sep 27, 2008
Here's a slip jig. It's maybe more of a slip shod in this incarnation. It's a good tune for anyone with a memory and a set of pipes. I have neither but tried to make do all the same.